Race equity under assault in higher education


Steve Carlson argues that we must draw on our Constitution and education to maintain the mission of higher education. Discussion of Yale and University of Missouri incidents.

Ben Carson has pointed out that Sharia law is incompatible with the U.S. Constitution. Trump has said that great as so many Muslim people are we need to deal with problems which do exist. How can we now advance America through our republican form of government, where the people, through the vote cast in free and fair elections and not jump to any kind of takeover of the government by a religious group? The Democrats use unconstitutional methods including quotas for groups that include the Muslims. The U.S. Supreme Court needs to address this now.

Steve Carlson critiques Donald Trump immigration proposals.

On Sunday, August 16, 2015 Donald Trump released his most concrete substantive policy proposals to date, set out his ideas of shutting down illegal immigration from Mexico. Steve Carlson, 2016 independent candidate for U.S. President, examines these plans, finds them courageous and provocative but inadequate and explains why an alternative is required.

We can normalize the U.S.-Mexican border, secure the border and protect the U.S. Constitution. But we need to get rid of the duopoly in Washington, end the Democratic Party as we know it, and restore a republican form of government.

Stagnation in Washington threatens to stagnate immigration and our border security, Obama's one-man rule approach is wrong for America. Now our Constitution and national security are under threat. I have the only solution to immigration, which I present here, and it is not necessary to balkanize America. I am independent, not part of the Democrats or Republicans, and this is the way America was intended to be. Time for America to wake up and restore your nation. The time is late.
